Andrew's Journey to Release an app

Day 3: Databases M2 Finished Began M3 - Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Finished the module 2 lesson 4 in the Databases course, where you add a database to the learning app. I loved getting to use a completion handler/ adding that to our own methods. This makes it, so that we don’t need to race different code against each other. Rather, the UI code only launches once the documents from the database are fetched.

Module 3 - Lessons 1-2

I loved how fast Chris gets us up and running in this module! This practical knowledge helps people solve one of the most important, and often, tedious components to building any application. It’s great that we can use all of this pre-made code from Google to get started. Still, at the same time, it only locks me more into the Google/ Firebase ecosystem (ironic as we are often locked into the Apple ecosystem).

With this much buy-in/ lessons learned on the Firebase platform, it makes me not want to use any other platform, the cost is almost like starting over. Still, at the same time it is almost a challenge to me, because I want to use a different provider. I looked into other database providers for iOS, and they are scant/ far-between. No one else seems to support mobile developers as Google does in this matter. If anyone knows of another solution that gets us, so far off the ground, then please let me know. Otherwise, I might build my own connectors/ starter pack, if there are really no others. It’s times like these, when a call to Twitter can get many responses to this question. I’ll try that now…

Overall, happy to code a full hour today. It makes a huge difference to begin programming earlier in the day!

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If you’re looking for a cloud database you can pretty much use about anything.

You’d just need an API that can send and receive data to your database from the iOS app.

Some popular options:

  • Firebase
  • MongoDB and Realm
  • CoreData / CloudKit
  • Swift Vapor and PostgreSQL
  • AWS Amplify
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@mikaelacaron thanks for looking into some other providers, and this response!

That’s a great point: simply use the service’s provided API. It’s probably not as difficult as I thought without Firebase. Perhaps, there are some good ways to use interact with the database/ API, and try out the Combine framework as well (something I hope to see in part of CWC+). Thanks :slight_smile:

Day 4 - Dependency Issues - Wednesday, December 29, 2021

I spent most of my hour attempting to get FirebaseUI installed. I could not figure out how to use Xcode’s new Swift Package Manager to install this package. When I attempted to use the FirebaseUI GitHub repo link, it didn’t work. It gave me a warning about the packages not being installed correctly, then showed some of the other Firebase packages it could resolve (none being the correct one).

This led me to install the required packages using Cocoa Pods. However, that brought up its own set of errors/ requirements. I successfully installed Cocoa Pods with sudo gem install cocoapods. I successfully initialized pods/ a Podfile in my project’s root folder, and added the required packages to the Podfile. Although, pod install was not successful. That led me to check out an article about installing pods on Apple’s M1 Macs (my best Christmas present ever after using a seven-year old Mac for development, builds get built in less than 10 seconds).

Unfortunately, the first command, sudo arch -x86_64 gem install ffi, in the tutorial failed. This led me to attempt to resolve the error message please install libyaml and reinstall your ruby by installing home-brew. Adding brew to the path with echo "export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile. After this, I successfully installed libyaml with brew install libyaml, re-installed ruby with brew install ruby, but haven’t been able to solve the underlying error still.

Day 5 - Pod Install Fails - Friday, December 31, 2021

After hours of searching, I still haven’t figured out how to install pods via an M1 Mac. I have tried many solutions, including those “working in December 2021,” but none work.

I just posted the issue here: M1 Pods Install Crash

Day6 - Happy new year! Bye-bye bugs - Saturday, January 1, 2021

After spending too many hours on pods failing to install on an M1 Mac, I’m very thankful to @Chris_Parker for engaging with me, and finding a solution. This website is great for people that get stuck! It’s like a smaller version of StackOverflow for those dedicated to iOS development.

Today, I learned how to implement Google’s pre-built UI for authentication. It’s so simple. They handle some important and tough facets for you, right out of the box.

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Day 7 - Custom Auth - Sunday, January 2, 2022

Today, I continued learning in the iOS Databases Module 3 lesson 3, where Chris teaches you how to implement a custom login versus using Google’s pre-built FirebaseUI Auth.

I’m alway impressed by how easily others seem to take to the UI design/ components of app building, while that’s one of the more difficult pieces for myself. So it’s great to go through these lessons that have you swap in and out different types of UI designs like this.

Day 8 - Sign up Screen - Monday, January 3, 2021

Today, I finished the Create Account screen within the iOS Databases Module 3 lesson 3. I barely eked out 50 minutes of coding, so aim to get a whole hour in tomorrow by starting earlier.

Day 9 - M3L2 → M4L3 - Tuesday, January 4, 2021

Happy to code for a full two hours today! It feels great to get in the groove again.

In addition, I added my own feature to the small Firebase Authentication demo app (iOS Databases Module 3 Lesson 4), so that, when a user logs into the app, it greets the user by name. It was great to access a single value within a single field of the document. It used a similar method to that in Python .get, which returns the value if the key/ value exists, or returns nil, if it does not. Here’s the code for it:

 Get the first name of the user, if there is one
func getFirstName() {
    // Ensure the user is logged in
    if let userId = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid {
        // Get our document reference
        let docRef = Firestore.firestore().collection("users").document(userId)
        // Get the document here
        docRef.getDocument { snapshot, error in
            // If we have no errors, and the snapshot is not nil, then get our user's name
            if error == nil && snapshot != nil {
                DispatchQueue.main.async {
                    // Set the name to what is stored in the database
                    name = snapshot!.get("name") as? String 

At first, I tried doing all of this via a computed property, but instead used the .onAppear code in order to run this method as soon as the View appeared (still quicker than appears to the user). It was nice getting this written by myself! I find in Python, I can code nearly anything by myself. While in Swift, it is much more difficult.

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Day 11 - M4L4 5 - Thursday, January 6, 2022

Today, I finished the user metadata video in the iOS Databases Module 4 Lesson four and started lesson five. It was surprising to me that in order to track the user’s metadata, or user’s profile attributes, we used a helper class, versus properties of the ContentModel. It was cool seeing how to implement this class, so that only one exists in memory in the entire app by declaring a static attribute of the user, and making the class not able to be initialized outside of it.

class UserService {
    var user = User()
    // Use a static property of this this class in order to only have one exist in memory
    static var shared = UserService()
    // Stops this from being initialized anywhere else
    private init() {

This is called a singleton!
It’s okay for some things, but overall many people avoid singletons because they are hard to test

Ah, thanks for that! A singleton good to know, another term in the arsenal. Interesting that it is difficult to test with.

Can’t wait to eventually get to the testing learning module in the performer courses :slight_smile:

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Day 12 - Database M4L5 - Tracking User States

Friday, January 7, 2021

I went through the database user tracking lesson today. I was so impressed by the ability to save the data to the database, right as the user makes the app go into the background. Apple gives us as developers a lot of control on this through their Publisher notifications (the app going to background notification is a Publisher notification). This made me want to ask this question about privacy.

In these few lines, on one of your views, you can execute some code as soon as the app enters the background state:

// Listens for Published events, like the user making the app go into the background, once this happens, we save to the database
                     for:   UIApplication.willResignActiveNotification)
) { _ in
  // Save progress to the database, when app moves to the background
  model.saveData(writeToDatabase: true)

Also, unfortunately, as part of this lesson, I confirmed that my app’s tests are not working properly! It does not show all of the questions/ allow the user to click any of them. I’m not sure the source of this, but my repo is here if anyone is feeling especially curious: GitHub - agholson/Learning-App-with-Firebase-Auth

Day 13 - Completed Databases Module 4 L6 - Resume View

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Happy to complete another module today! Although, much of the navigation within views still confuses me. I read in here that a few people struggled with backend/ database stuff, while I’m the opposite. I find the front-end UI stuff more confusing, especially as it comes to tracking tags/ selections in tab views and all of the different State properties that bounce you left and right.

Also, I’m confused, because my Learning App’s questions don’t work. I’m going to post about it for some more details.

Day 14 - Completed M5 L1-3 - Core Data

Was happy today to finally learn how to save data locally within an app! It is a bit complicated, but I love the way Chris breaks it down. Plus, because you can access the contextView needed to interact with Core Data anywhere in the app by passing it down via an environment variable it is simple to save data locally.

See here for a synopsis.

After this, I only need to learn how to create mockups and do some machine learning, then I should be ready to build a prototype of my app :slight_smile:

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Day 15 - Started M5L4 - Filtering Core Data

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Today, I learned how to sort and filter core data. Much simpler than I would have thought!

You can’t beat the way Chris explains these concepts… I would love to find a similar course-set for Kotlin or how to develop Android apps.

This piece of code sorts the people by age as well as filters only for users named Joe:

@FetchRequest(sortDescriptors: [
    NSSortDescriptor(key: "name", ascending: true), // Sort by name first
    NSSortDescriptor(key: "age", ascending: true)  // Then sort by age
], predicate: NSPredicate(format: "name contains 'Joe'"))
var people: FetchedResults<Person>

See Apple’s docs for more details on how to use predicates to filter the data: Apple Developer Documentation

Day 16 - Finished M5L4/ Started M5L5 - Filtered Data & Entity Relationships

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Today, I learned how to better search/ filter data through requests to the Core Data model. In particular, I was impressed by the .onChange modifier. This modifier, allows you to run a piece of code as soon as one of your binding variables change. So as soon as the person types a character, it searches for all Core Data person values that match.

//  Whenever the filterByText value changes, it will retrieve the data from the database
.onChange(of: filterByText) { newValue in
    // Fetches core data

I also learned about relationships between entities. The terms graph data still confuse me that Chris mentions, but this will make more sense with time.

Day 17 - Finished Module 5 Core Data

Thursday, January 13, 2022

I was happy to finish the last Core Data lesson! It’s easier than I thought to save information locally. Honestly, I wish I had learned this prior to all of the Firebase stuff. Still, there were some confusing components to it like the viewContext that must be used in order to access the Core Data. I’d love to see this code combined with that with Firebase or other things.

Also, I was dissapointed, but it seems like both this module and the one before it, lack wrap-up challenges. Those reinforce the concepts the most for me, and ensure I learn it. Therefore, I will likely create my own demo project to try out many of the concepts in this.

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Day 18 - Created First Apple Watch app

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Today, I finished my first Apple Watch app! I went through the Apple tutorial thanks to @mikaelacaron found here: Apple Developer Documentation. Highly recommend others to try this, if your curious at all about building a watchOS app! It’s much easier than you might think, and you can likely build it for many of your iOS apps right away.

See my repo here for the completed app/ screenshots: GitHub - agholson/Landmarks-Apple-Watch-app. Or this thread about the subject as well: Apple Watch App?.


CONGRATS! That’s awesome! I’ve always wanted to make a watch app, so I’ll add that to my to-do list too!

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