Beginner friendly

I’m beginning the Chat App. You guys talk about being beginner friendly. Do you guys know how to go from beginner to intermediate? and higher of course. How do people progress when, there can’t be tutorials for everything… I’m not good with understanding the Apple Developer documentation yet.

I saw different routes to take, like Freelancing, getting a job, become a instructor… I’m assuming the best first move is to get a job?

I’ve seen the recommendation for a mentor. Feel like that’s most easily obtained with a job? I feel like I can handle a very small percentage of freelance work from

Oh and also, I’m on module 6… Chris is going over, do this if you want it to act this way do that… When we’re on our own projects though, how do we know? I mean you can use google for code snippets but you can’t with brand new code…

That’s pretty much a subjective analysis. How do you know when you are ready to fly an aeroplane? Same thing really. Lot’s of training, following instructions, practice, practice, practice, practice. It may be that you need to take on courses from other people. Consider the Paul Hudson “100 Days of SwitUI” course. I did that course some years ago (it has since been updated for iOS16) and learnt a ton.

The tutorials that Chris Ching has devised is based on his experience in the App Development world and covers the things that you are likely to encounter. Again, consider courses from other YouTube content creators and people like Paul Hudson, Sean Allen , Stewart Lynch… there are tons of resources in the iOS community.

You would not be the only one. There is little to none by way of real examples to show how specific methods are used.

Before you even consider getting a job, you really have to have to be proficient. Find a sample “take home project” and see if you can create an App as per the project specifications. It’s the sort of thing you will be required to do as part of an interview process.

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Yeah I’ve started 100 days of swift as well from Paul Hudson. I definitely plan to do his content as well. Lots of good info between the 2. I’ve also watched and liked Sean Allen’s Youtube vids.

Before you even consider getting a job, you really have to have to be proficient. Find a sample “take home project” and see if you can create an App as per the project specifications. It’s the sort of thing you will be required to do as part of an interview process.

Yeah see i’m not sure what the Junior level would be. Like from what level will they teach you and stuff from.

You brought up how the documentations not its finest. So then how do you guys learn the new code from each WWDC? just the WWDC vids? are those enough normally?