Button Help For App

It would be worth your while subscribing to CWC+ and taking on the iOS Foundations (SwiftUI) course where you get to build multi screen Apps which will give you the skills to be able to successfully build your own App. You can subscribe on a monthly basis for as long as you need to.

Is there another way I can learn how to do it until I get the money to buy it

There is a great free SwiftUI course which is produced by Paul Hudson.

Here is a link to it: 100 Days of SwiftUI – Hacking with Swift

It’s effectively a 100 day course but you obviously do the course at your own pace. Each of the Lessons have a video and below the video is the script from the video so you can read it if you prefer. Any code discussed is also included in the text of the script.

Do I have to look at all of it, or can i skip to the part that i’m looking for

It’s a course that you start from the beginning and progress through. All of the early things that are discussed are built on so you progressively gain experience. It’s not a course that you can pick and choose what projects to follow. The course is designed to progressively give you a good solid grounding in all different aspects of SwiftUI.

I’ll just wait until I can afford to get to your course, it’s better for me to learn everything from one person