How to go outside the view with an animation?

Hello everyone!!

I have a button which is in a stack view. When my button is tapped it animates but it doesn’t perform the animation completely because it goes outside the stack view.

Do you have any suggestions on how i can go outside my view with my animation? Also i am not able to get rid of the stack view.

Thank you!!


It might help if you provide the code you have specified.

Paste your code in as text, rather than providing a screenshot.

To format the code nicely, place 3 back-ticks ``` on the line above your code and 3 back-ticks ``` on the line below your code. Like this:

Code goes here

The 3 back-ticks must be the ONLY characters on the line. The back-tick character is located on the same keyboard key as the tilde character ~ (which is located below the Esc key). You can also highlight an entire code block and click the </> button on the toolbar to wrap the block for you.

This also makes it easier for anyone assisting as they can copy the code and carry out some testing.