Hey Chet, thanks for sharing your story!
Like you, this too is my second try giving Swift a shot. I gave up a few years ago ~2017, when it was still in the UIKit/ Storyboard phases. Then, I found that I could build something, while I followed along with the instructor/ his videos. However, when I was on my own, I was completely lost! I couldn’t do anything. One of the most valuable things I get from CWC+ is the loads of challenges Chris provides. He and his team did a great job at this.
You can read more about my journey with app’s via the link below. I learned how to create full-stack apps over the past two years as well! Still, a mobile app is a whole different ballgame. There’s so much to learn in Swift, and I’m constantly learning new things in this language. Praise God I’ve finally gotten to the point, where I can read others’ code and even provide solutions! That was one of my biggest goals, and something completely foreign to me, when I started out at your stage.
Hey sorry to hear about this, but glad you’re giving it a shot! Why not email the app owners about this, and ask if there’s any way you can help out, or keep it on the App Store, or even if they could make their code open source? Perhaps, you could fundraise from fellow football fans, and raise the money needed to support the infrastructure costs, or whatever’s needed to keep it going. It’s possible that you could even get paying people to support the server’s costs, because it’s become so cheap in recent years.
WOW I had to do a double-take on this. I think Fivver == £5 and not something 3,200 times that cost! It’s BS that it should cost so much, because it’s “full-stack.” That’s outrageous. Besides, with Databases as a Service, like Firebase, you can easily make your app “full-stack.” It’s a fancy term for front-end code, computing/ user experience on the user’s machine (JavaScript on a website/ HTML5/ CSS, or a SwiftUI app), and a back-end (database, any server-side code).
If you like, I could help you build this. Shoot me a DM for more details. Otherwise, I think you could definitely learn how to do it yourself! It’ll just take a bit of time. Don’t let your age discourage you either, there’s plenty of older folks on the platform as well. Plus, you can always come to the forum for help from other learners, or CWC+'s awesome teaching assistants.
Washington, D.C.
P.S. while the app still exists, do a screen recording of it!! Go through the major screens within the app, recording it all. If it goes away completely, this will save you critical time in the design phase. The design will already be done, so you would just need to create it with SwiftUI/ write the backend code. It’s much easier even with this stage complete, plus you won’t have to kick yourself, if you were like what was that feature/ screen I’m forgetting?