My app has been in the app store for almost a year

It’s called “Bill & Subscription Manager”. You have to pretty much spell out the whole name when searching for it in the App Store and then it’s still not near the top of the list, so look for this icon:
It’s free, of course, and there are no ads or in-app purchases.

I’ve been using it myself and find it very useful. I would love it if folks on this forum would give it a try and let me know what you think.

I got tons of help from the CWC community and for that I offer my heartfelt thanks.

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Hey Peter! You could also drop the link to the app here to make it easier to find

I don’t know how to do that. How do I get the link?

Here you go Peter.

If you go to the apps page on the App Store there is a standard sharing button to capture the link.

Congratualtions getting your app out there.


I didn’t know that. Thanks Mark.

This is wonderful! Congratulation @PeteTheGolfer! I will download the app and check! :blush: