Why is Xcode not registering the change in a valuables value?

Hi guys,

Please can someone help me with this…

I’m trying to create an app that generates a random number. On the firstViewController I have set a button (to generate the number) and label (to display the generated number) and on the secondViewController I have created a UI that allows the user to change the parameters of how the app generates a number. Right now I’m busy with the first. The Range - I want it to allow the user to increase the range the app can generate a random number from (between 2 - Users selected number(Max 10))

Now the problem I have is that the app doesn’t register the change in value of the range variable (var targets = 2). It keeps printing it as 2 no matter if I change the value with the UIButtons.

First View Controller Code


import UIKit

class FirstViewController: UIViewController {

// MARK: Variables
var delegate: RoundEdited?
let d = SecondViewController()

// MARK: IB Outlets
@IBOutlet weak var startButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var mainLabel: UILabel!

// MARK: viewDidLoad
override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

func getInfo() {

//MARK: Start Round

@IBAction func startRoundTapped(_ sender: Any) {
    self.delegate = d


} // End of viewDidLoad

Second View Controller Code


import UIKit

protocol RoundEdited {
func editRound()

class SecondViewController: UIViewController, RoundEdited {

//MARK: Variables
var targets = 2
var calls = 1

//MARK: IB Outlets

// Targets Label
@IBOutlet weak var targetLabel: UILabel!

// Add & Subtract Target Buttons
@IBOutlet weak var addTargetButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var subtractTargetButton: UIButton!

// Calls Label
@IBOutlet weak var callsLabel: UILabel!

// Add & Subtract Call Buttons
@IBOutlet weak var addCallsButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var subtractCallsButton: UIButton!

// MARK: viewDidLoad
override func viewDidLoad() {
    // Do any additional setup after loading the view.
    // Load the view with the subtractTargetButton Disabled
    subtractTargetButton.isEnabled = false
    // Load the view with the subtractCallsButton Disabled
    subtractCallsButton.isEnabled = false
    // Set the targetLabel to the targets value
    targetLabel.text = String(targets)
    // Set the callsLabel to the calls value
    callsLabel.text = String(calls)

//MARK: Add or Subtract Targets

// Subtract Targets
@IBAction func subtractTargetTapped(_ sender: Any) {

    // Create the lower Limit (2)
    if targets == 2 {
        targets += 0
        targetLabel.text = String(targets)
    else {
        targets -= 1
        targetLabel.text = String(targets)
    // Disable the subtractTargetButton at Lower Limit (2)
    if targets == 2 {
        subtractTargetButton.isEnabled = false
    // Enable the addTargetButton when not at Upper Limit (10)
    if targets < 10 {
        addTargetButton.isEnabled = true


// Add Targets
@IBAction func addTargetTapped(_ sender: Any) {
    // Create the Upper Limit (10)
    if targets == 10 {
        targets += 0
        targetLabel.text = String(targets)
    else {
        targets += 1
        targetLabel.text = String(targets)
    // Enable subtractButton when not at Lower Limit (2)
    if targets > 2 {
        subtractTargetButton.isEnabled = true
    // Disable the addTargetButton at Upper Limit (10)
    if targets == 10 {
        addTargetButton.isEnabled = false

//MARK: Add or Subtract Calls

// Subtract Calls
@IBAction func subtractCallsLabel(_ sender: Any) {
    // Create the Lower Limit (1)
    if calls == 1 {
        calls -= 0
        callsLabel.text = String(calls)
    else {
        calls -= 1
        callsLabel.text = String(calls)
    // Disable the subtractCallsButton at Lower Limit (1)
    if calls == 1 {
        subtractCallsButton.isEnabled = false
    // Enable the subtractCallsButton when not at Upper Limit (15)
    if calls < 15 {
        addCallsButton.isEnabled = true

// Add Calls
@IBAction func addCallsLabel(_ sender: Any) {
    // Create the Upper Limit (15)
    if calls == 15 {
        calls += 0
        callsLabel.text = String(calls)
    else {
        calls += 1
        callsLabel.text = String(calls)
    // Enable the subtractCallsButton when not at Lower Limit (1)
    if calls > 1 {
        subtractCallsButton.isEnabled = true
    // Disable the subtractCallsButton at the Upper Limit (15)
    if calls == 15 {
        addCallsButton.isEnabled = false

// MARK: Edit the Round

func editRound() {
    let targetsSet = Int.random(in: 2...targets)


} // End of viewDidLoad


Please can someone help me understand why it’s not picking up the change. Thanks in advance!