YouTube playlist video how to made YouTube App

Hi in lesson 11 -

there have Dictionary to take Json Key, but in youtube used Array - lesson in 2015, i found how to fixed the code, but when I checked string stay empty = “”…

When i checked in debug videoObj have information, but path my be is not corrected if i checked videoObj.videoId = “”, nothing changed.
Can somebody check and help for this code?

func getFeedVedeos() {

    //fetch the videos dinamically through the YouTube Data Api
    Alamofire.request("", method: .get, parameters: ["part":"snippet", "playlistId":UPLOADS_PLAYLIST_ID, "key":API_KEY], encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: nil).responseJSON { (response) in
        if let JSON = response.result.value as? [String:Any] {

           var arrayOfVideos = [Video]()

           if let videos = JSON["items"] as? [[String:Any]] {

              for video in videos {
                  let videoObj = Video()

                if let videoId = video["snippet.resourceId.videoId"] as? String {
                      videoObj.videoId = videoId
                if let videoTitle = video["snippet.title"] as? String {

                      videoObj.videoTitle = videoTitle
                  if let videoDescription = video["snippet.description"] as? String {

                      videoObj.videoDescription = videoDescription
                  if let videoThumbnailUrl = video["snippet.thumbnails.maxres.url"] as? String {

                      videoObj.videoThumbnailUrl = videoThumbnailUrl

            self.videoArray = arrayOfVideos