29 day Challenge - Lesson 26

Hi there!

Im currently at lesson 26 of the 29 day challenge and is so so so close to completing the Match Game App.

However, I cant seem to flip my cards even after following the exact steps from the tutorial. Not sure if I went wrong at any point in time.

Can someone help take a look at my code?

The following are screenshots from my Xcode:

Also, I remember seeing/hearing it from Chris regarding some platform/application that can help us with the planning of our apps, does anyone know where I can gain access to that?

I look forward to you guys’ reply and I can’t wait to complete this app!

Thank you, stay safe and healthy guys!


The site you can use to help plan your app is https://approadmap.io

You input what your app idea needs to do, and he then recommends the videos you need to watch / things you need to learn to be able to do those things