Adding features on the fly

I’m a beginner in Swift UI and learning it as a hobby. I enjoy experimenting with new concepts, but I lack a systematic approach. I find something interesting on Chris’ videos, or in an article and I want to try it with my app. So far so good. It’s fun experimenting.

The issue is when I try to add something new it often conflicts with my base code in a way that I can’t fix and I have to start from scratch with a backup.

It’s very annoying having to revert to a backup every time I mess up. Is there a way to add new features to the app folder without directly modifying ContentView? I also use Swift Playgrounds to mess around with new ideas, but then I have to get that code into my main app in Xcode which can be an issue too.

Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks Chris L

Can you provide an example of what you are trying to do as that will be the best way for one of us here to advise why it isn’t working and what you perhaps should do to make it work.

It was suggested to me that I start using GIT in Xcode to keep track of changes and revert code if needed. Seems to have helped. The original issue I was having was trying to integrate tabView in to my existing project. I’l see if I can share my code.