Arrays - Not getting the o/p when adding and removing

Hi There,
Myself Bazzy…!!

There is a small confusion while practicing Arrays.
While adding or removing using myArray.insert / myArray.append / myArray += [“the data to add”}
For removing - myArray.remove(at:0)
while doing this cant get the edited or added / removed data while running
playground.swift is attached …if any errors in my swift playground…requisting you to guide me…!!!

Thank you

Post your playground code as text in a reply rather than an image. This saves anyone attempting to answer your question having to type out the code.

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Yes sure will do now itself…!!!

Here it …as you said…i didnt taught of it…
If there is any mistake in the codes… and rectify me…!!

// this is lesson 16

var a = “dog”
var b = “cat”
var c = “bird”

//you can do a = a+“my” …but to have to do 3 times this…instead use array
//so :-
var myArray = [“dog” , “cat” , “bird”]
//to add my to evert pets ,
for counter in 0…2 { //here if you dont know the range… use 0…myArray.counter -1
myArray[counter] = “My” + myArray[counter]
// OR
//to display or show the items in the array without reassingning
// for item in myArray{
// print(item)
// }
//how to declare an empty array

//add items to array - 2 ways
myArray.insert(“Frog”, at:0)
myArray += [“Frog” , “Bear”]
//remopve items in the array
//search an items in your array
myArray.firstIndex(of: String)

Here is the playground code amended and with added indented comments where I have made the amendments:

import UIKit

// this is lesson 16

var a = "dog"
var b = "cat"
var c = "bird"

//you can do a = a+“my” …but to have to do 3 times this…instead use array
//so :-
var myArray = ["dog" , "cat" , "bird"]
//to add my to evert pets ,
for counter in 0...2 { //here if you dont know the range… use 0…myArray.counter -1
myArray[counter] = "My" + myArray[counter]
// OR
//to display or show the items in the array without reassingning
// for item in myArray{
// print(item)
// }
//how to declare an empty array

//add items to array - 2 ways
myArray.insert("Frog", at:0)
myArray += ["Frog" , "Bear"]
//remopve items in the array

//  myArray.remove(at: 10)
            //  The index value of 10 was outside the array index range.  There are only 7 elements in the array.
            //  The maximum index range is therefore 6 (starts at 0)
myArray.remove(at: 6)  //  Remove the last entry (Raccoon)

//search an items in your array
//  myArray.firstIndex(of: String)
           //  When using the array method firstIndex(of: Type) you have to specify a string value in the case of myArray
myArray.firstIndex(of: "Mybird")
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Thanks a lot for the faster help…!!!
A small mistake can make complications… :joy:

One more thing a small doubt…i am getting o/p when i wrote print(myArray) at last …is
[“Frog”, “Mydog”, “Mycat”, “Mybird”, “Frog”, “Bear”]…the square brackets are coming …is it right or its like default…???

Thank you once again…!!! :handshake:

If you print your array myArray the output you see in the Console output will show you the array structure. So that’s why you see:

["Frog", "Mydog", "Mycat", "Mybird", "Frog", "Bear"]

If you print the first element in the array:


you will see:


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Noted with Thanks…!!! :handshake: