Can you change the navigationBar text color for individual view controllers?

All but one or two of my VCs have a similar BG color.

I’m using a transparent navigation bar, but the text shows (just a visual taste preference).

I’m trying to change the color (to something brighter and perhaps bold).

I’d also like to increase the font size.

I realize that’s two questions, but if I can find the solution to the font color I’d think the font size is close by.

Try this to change the text color:

navigationController?.navigationBar.tintColor =

It seems no matter where I put it, either with .self or not, I can’t seem to get it to an individual VC.

The code I gave you changes the button color so if you are referring to the title text Color then, off the top of my head, I don’t know.

Try something like this?

navigationController?.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = [.foregroundColor:]

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To continue and perhaps add to this discussion, I have my tintColor globally set to white in didFinishLaunchingWithOptions. I’d like to keep using white, but I’ve run into an issue using share sheet. Because it’s set to white the save and cancel button is not showing, because of the white background. Does anyone know how to access whatever VC it is that pops up when using the sharesheet? Not the initial sharesheet, but the VC that pops up after clicking “Save to files”.