Cannot write in Firebase db

hello Guys

I was working in lesson 5 firebase course and I cannot write into the db

The bundle matches

The googleservice-info.plist is in the workspace

the pod looks good

Pods for firebasedemo2

pod 'Firebase/Analytics'
pod 'Firebase/Auth'
pod 'Firebase/Core'
pod 'Firebase/Firestore'
pod 'FirebaseFirestoreSwift'

the red/write rule is enabled in firebase

This is the code:

import SwiftUI
import Firebase

struct firebasedemo2App: App {
    init() {
        //to initialize firebase
    func makeReservation(){
        //access firebase db
        let db = Firestore.firestore()
        //reference to reservations collection
        let reservations = db.collection("reservations")
        //create a doc with given identitifer
            ["name" : "Carol", "people" : 22])
        //create a doc with unique identifier
        reservations.document("").setData(["name" : "donald"])
        //create doc with a given data
        let document = reservations.addDocument(data: ["name" : "Perrito", "people" : 10])

this is an ā€œerrorā€ I get when compiling

can somebody help? I am sure itā€™s something simpleā€¦

Where is that error occurring? That code looks a bit like it is from within the Firebase Pod frameworks.

not sure, the build is succesful though

I deleted the project, created two more iOS projects to make sure I didnā€™t;t make a mistake and I get the same error and doesnā€™t write to the db

it shows NSExceptionā€¦


Iā€™m guessing that you are doing the course named ā€œiOS Databases (SwiftUI)ā€ and you are stepping through Module 1. Is that correct?

If that is the case then the only pod you require in your Podfile definition for this demonstration project is:

pod 'Firebase/Firestore'

Correct, Iā€™m doing lesson 5 of the firebase module

I modified the pod file including only pod ā€˜Firebase/Firestoreā€™, did a pod update and still I cannot write into the db

I got a different exception though, not sure if it means anything

Can you manually create a document via your Firestore console?

Oh wait, did you say you deleted then created another project? Did you use the same project name or a different one? If so then your GoogleServices-Info.plist file will only match the original Bundle_ID.

yes, I can manually create docs in the Firebase console.

I created a 2nd demo project

then inside firebasedemo2 I deleted the iOS app because it was not working and created a new app and used that plist file

so the plist file only matches 1 bundle id?

so in that case, should I create a new project to get a brand new plist file?



If you look inside your GoogleServices-Info.plist file you will see a Key:value pair entry named BUNDLE_ID with something like com.Name.FirebaseDemo. Iā€™m assuming that yours would be something like serrano.firebasedemo

All the rest of the Key:Value pairs in that file are related to the Google Firebase side of your project.

Make a note of that and create a new project with the original Project Name that you had.

You could create a brand new Xcode project and then create a New Firebase project with that BundleId and then download a new GoogleService-Info.plist file if you wanted to. I suppose itā€™s good practise to do that. If you do choose to create a new Firebase Project then delete the old one so that it does not count towards your maximum number of Firebase projects for free.

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thanks, I recreated the demo + firebase from scratch, I got the same error. I realized it was because I had an empty string in the doc value

reservations.document("").setData([ā€œnameā€ : ā€œdonaldā€])

reservations.document().setData([ā€œnameā€ : ā€œdonaldā€])

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