Circular reference expanding freestanding macro 'Preview' Error

I am running xcode 16.1 and in Module 3 Lesson 2: SwiftUI Tab Views. The only difference I’m seeing in MainView at the bottom is instead of line 38 in tut where it says struct MainView_Previews: PreviewProvider and so on, all I have there is #Preview {

After following along, after adding the VStack for image and adding the SF name like in the tut, I got this syntax error and the Preview (canvas) is gone. Is this because I’m on 16 and need to change #Preview manually to match the tut’s code there? Not sure because I recall in tut that code was auto-generated when file was created.

Can you post the entire view that you are referring to as that will help to identify what the issue might be.

When you create a view from the Xcode menu, in the case of a new View you want to establish, the view structure is like this example:

struct ExampleView: View {
    var body: some View {
        Text("Hello, World!")

#Preview {

Note that the #Preview is outside of the ExampleView but refers to it.