Connect a variable to a text label

I am making an app that uses text feilds and I want to connect it to a variable, but I dont know how to connect my text feild to a variable.

Welcome to the community! :wave:
Open the assistant editor (I believe is what it’s called) so you can see your storyboard and code on each side.

Click on the textField + control + drag to your code (let go) and select IBOutlet

check out this video to see how

if you cant find the assistant editor you can refer to this video

Folks - I have uploaded Xcode 11 on my OS 10.15.3.

the major problem I have is that I cannot drag and drop the button into the editor from the stroyboard. Have exhausted google and also raised issue on stack to no avail.

would be very grateful for any feedback. thanks

you mean you cant do an IBOutlet?