Creating an edit view for the user to edit an existing object


I was trying to find some course material that might cover this but I’m having trouble finding it. I want to create an edit view for the user to be able to click on an existing object and edit it’s properties. For example, if the user created an object with a person’s name and their age, but later wanted to be able to edit that person’s age and overwrite that to core data.

Could you point me in the direction of a simple template for something like that?


This is Chris’ CoreData series. I can’t remember if he has a SwiftUI version

But basically you would:

  • fetch the object you want to change
  • change the property
  • save it

Yes m’am! For what I completed so far in the far left course though, was seeming to be a Firebase course. Not the Apple CoreData. Looks like the middle one is Apple’s version.

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Yes, I believe you’re correct, CoreData is Apple’s local database whereas Firebase is a cloud database by Google

Thank you!