CWC+ Courses still valid?

Hi everyone,

I recently started with tutorials that Chris provides, but I saw the date of courses and like in couple of months they will be 2 years old is that something to be worry about or no I can get along peacefully?

Thanks for responses :slight_smile:

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Hi Goran,

Generally you should be OK. There are continual changes to SwiftUI, iOS and Xcode which means that you may see different options available in autocomplete than was the case when Chris Ching created the course. (autocomplete is where Xcode presents options to choose from when you start typing code. You can either select those options by clicking on them or just keep typing and use the code that Chris specified in the video). If you have trouble at all just post a question here and someone will answer you and point you in the right direction.

Thanks for answering, I was just checking I did not had any problem so far, Iā€™m learning really good, best course tbh.