Hi All!
I am currently taking the Launch Your First App program and finishing up the iOS Networking course. It is going… I love Chris’ videos and his way of teaching these topics to a beginner as myself. When trying to do the challenges and thinking about starting a side project, I feel like im at square 1 and don’t know how to go about it.
Going back to rewatch different sections helps, but since we are learning so many new things along the way and end up refactoring things or adding new features and changing things around when we touch a new topic, it’s a bit hard for me to grasp of what the work flow is actually like when I decide to start my own project from beginning to end.
An example is when I was trying to do the crypto coin challenge in mod 3, I had an idea in my mind of views needed, a model, and a data service. But when I began to build, I did the UI part for the views and made a model, but just got stuck at that point as to what I should focus on next.
I want to ask how others start their projects and if there is some generic workflow people follow?