Developing for iPad with 3 columns

I am trying to develop an iPad app using three columns. The first column if the main menu, the second column is the next layer down and the third column is the detail column.
The question I have is on navigation between the 2nd and 3rd column. If the 2nd column displays a list with NavigationLink for an enum case, the system behaves itself without any issue;
However, when the 2nd column uses a NavigationStack with a ForEach loop with both .onTapGesture and .omLongPressGesture, the .onTapGesture is meant to open the detail on the 3rd column but instead it opens in the 2nd column as this utilises a .navigationDestination based on the .onTapGesture.
Any idea how to force the .onTapGesture to open the detail onto the 3rd column?

ScrollView(showsIndicators: false) {
NavigationStack {
ForEach(testEquipments) { equipment in
TestEquipmentCardView(testEquipment: equipment)

                            .onTapGesture {
                                selectedEquipment = equipment

.navigationDestination(item: $selectedEquipment) { equipment in
TestEquipmentDetailView(testEquipment: equipment)