Error in SwiftUI

Hello, everytime I launch my simulator and press my navigationlink nothing happens. When I Close the simulator I get an error in AppDelegate. the error says Thread 1: signal SIGTERM on line 12

Here is a copy from the console

(lldb) bt
* thread #1, queue = '', stop reason = signal SIGTERM
    frame #0: 0x00007fff51af125a libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg_trap + 10
    frame #1: 0x00007fff51af15d0 libsystem_kernel.dylib`mach_msg + 60
    frame #2: 0x00007fff23da14d5 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 165
    frame #3: 0x00007fff23d9c107 CoreFoundation`__CFRunLoopRun + 1383
    frame #4: 0x00007fff23d9b884 CoreFoundation`CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 404
    frame #5: 0x00007fff38b5ac1a GraphicsServices`GSEventRunModal + 139
    frame #6: 0x00007fff48c19220 UIKitCore`UIApplicationMain + 1605
  * frame #7: 0x0000000107af6e8b AppEllerSannhet`main at AppDelegate.swift:12:7
    frame #8: 0x00007fff519b910d libdyld.dylib`start + 1

It’s very difficult, if not impossible, to diagnose problems like this without seeing the code that caused it.

This is the Code for my navigation link

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        ZStack {
            .rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 45))
            NavigationLink(destination: KortStokk()) {
                .background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [Color("darkRed"), Color("lightRed")]), startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

Hello. Navigation link only works when the view is in NavigationView.

ZStack {

        .rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: 45))
        NavigationLink(destination: KortStokk()) {
            .background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [Color("darkRed"), Color("lightRed")]), startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))


After you embed your code in a NavigationView {} you will notice a bug in the simulators that I am surprised that Apple still have not fixed.

The bug is that after tapping on a NavigationLink and then returning to that screen you can’t select that same link again. If you have multiple NavigationLinks then you can select a different one, come back and then select the other one again.