Error while trying to run app on real device

Hi CodeCrew,

I am trying to run a new app on a Real device for the first time but it is giving below error

“The maximum number of apps for free development profiles has been reached.”

It is my first time trying to run an app on a real device. Still, it is giving me this error.

Hi Naman,

This error is normal if your developer account status is currently the free version. You will also only be able to create a maximum of 10 Apps in a 7 day window with a free account.

A paid account will allow you to create as many Apps as you like and load as many of your own Apps as you like onto your real device.

But till now I have only ran apps on the simulator.
This is the first time I am trying to run it on a real device.

Is the simulator run also considered in the number of apps allowed to run free?

How many Apps in total have you created in a 7 day window? The maximum is 10 so the error is not related to how many you have attempted to load on your real device, rather the total number of Apps.