Error with Cocoapods/Podfile

I have ruby version 2.6 installed

This thread on stackOverflow might be more likely to be the solution:

I googled the error, and a lot of people say this

Have a look at the stackoverflow thread I posted as that seems to be more closely related to your issue.

I looked at the stackoverflow thread, and i basically just have to update ruby from 2.6 to 2.7, right?

That could be the case. I have Catalina installed and my version of ruby is 2.6

So i managed to get it working. Thanks for the help
I have now created a simple facebook auth with firebase.
Do you by any chance know how I can check if a user is already logged in? And if so redirect them to my main app

Would really appreciate some help

What was the main issue overall that was preventing you from installing pods?

After upgrading ruby from 2.6 to 2.7, everything seemed to work fine. So i think there is something wrong with version 2.6.

Do you have any experience with SwiftUI?

I have been using SwiftUI since about October 2019. I’m no expert yet.

Chris Ching is creating a few videos in a beginner series in his CWC+ courses so they are worth doing if you have no experience. See his website for more details.

I have actually watched a lot of Chris Chings videos.
So I have managed to create a simple Facebook auth with Firebase by following this tutorial: (Not Chris Ching)
But I would like to check if a user is logged in and if so redirect to my main app. Currently all that is being displayed when logged in is a logout button. Any ideas?

can you check our cocoapods article if it can help?

Thanks for the help, but i fixed the issue i had with Cocoapods, so is working for me now

usually these are the pods that you need
pod ‘Firebase/Database’
pod ‘Firebase/Storage’
pod ‘FirebaseUI/Auth’
pod ‘Firebase/Auth’
pod ‘FirebaseUI/Email’

also make sure that you download the GoogleServices-Info.plist file when you set up your project… add this to your project (make sure its exactly “GoogleServices-Info.plist”) not GoogleServices-Info (1).plist or something…