Extra trialing closure passed in a call

“Extra trialing closure passed in a call” error popped up when i use Task{} inside .onAppear{} .

Task {

It was not giving an error till yesterday. But now i dont know what happened.
Can anyone explain this?

Welcome to the community! I wouldn’t expect an error here. Try to clean the project and build again

But there’s a .task { } modifier you can use instead, that’s like the async version of .onAppear

Thank you @mikaelacaron!
i tried to clean the project and build again, but still same error

Hi @Sanjeeb!

Having a Task inside onAppear shouldn’t be a cause for error. There might be something in your code that caused the error.

As what @mikaelacaron have said, you can try putting all of your code from inside the Task closure into a .task { } modifier instead of using .onAppear.

/// instead of using:
  .onAppear {
    Task {

/// you can use:
  .task {

Hey @inaki… i replaced Task with .task :relieved: thank you so much… will post if any other issue arises.

Yup I think something else caused this, cause I added the same thing into my own project and there’s no error