Finished the SwiftUI Slots App? Post your Screenshot Here!

Congrats, you’re on a roll! :slight_smile:

Awesome, accomplishing challenges left and right, we see. Enjoy your new badge!

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Congratulations! You are truly rocking these challenges. Keep on going!

Cheers! Enjoy your new badge!

Hi, Chris.
I completed Slots Demo Challenge!

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Congrats, Atsushi! You’re rocking it! Enjoy your new badge!


Chris, I did something similar, I just hid them completely. I also added some logic to score cherries and Jackpots.

I learned a lot from this tutorial. Thanks @CodeWithChris!! Most importantly how to add a new method with SwiftUI. Slowly I am getting a handle on SwiftUI!



Hi Chris & Moderators, thanks for all the tutorial vids, a great way to build knowledge from your very informative lessons. I also included the 3 columns for wins.


Congratulations, yeoybri! Keep up the excellent work. Enjoy your new badge! :slight_smile:


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Wow, what a champ! You now have three badges! Keep up the excellent work! :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the lesson, it was very challenging.

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Wow, you now have two badges. Congrats on your achievements, hfsee!

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Awesome, Alias111! Congrats on your first badge! :slight_smile:

I enjoyed this one! I’ll try the 9 card challenge during the week.

I made some mods to the layout to fit better in landscape. Thanks!!!

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You’re just killing it, nemtna! Achieving goals after goals after goals. More progress and achievements coming your way. Keep up the excellent work! Enjoy your new badge. :slight_smile:

Getting the three by three rows in was simple… but then I had to think how I should decide if you won or not and then my brains hurt :smile:

I had to rethink a few times and probably my code isn’t the best code you would have ever seen but I did nail it :smile:. I even made it clear in the UI when you use the normal spin that the other cards are not used and I only color the cards that matter in green when you score points.

It’s late already so I’ll watch the solution video tomorrow to see if I can improve some parts but for now I am pretty proud :stuck_out_tongue: @CodeWithChris, thank you SO much for these videos, they really help me understand it more.

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Wow, you’re awesome! Glad you enjoyed our mental workout for ya. Must have been an amazing feeling for you to accomplish this. Enjoy your new badge!

Maybe a little bad. I finished it without watching the solution. And this is why I shouldn’t gamble :rofl:

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