Help with creating a neighborhood app

Hello everyone! Trust you all are healthy, safe, and well. I am building a neighborhood app where persons can stay abreast as to what is happening in their area and communicate with community leaders if there is an issue. So far I have created the user login with firebase and transitioning to the Home screen. Here is where I want to display the information such as community announcements, job postings in the area, and upcoming events pertaining to that community. There will be individual screens for each category but at the moment I am only focusing on the home screen. Once that is completed the rest will be easy. I’ve decided to use the firebase database to house this information. I am having difficulty displaying my information from the firebase. The app is communicating with the server because my authentication process works. New and returning users are being stored but I am unable to display the information. I am sure this is an easy fix but I am a bit burned out and would really appreciate an extra pair of eyes to help me through this rut.

Thanks again for your time and happy coding.

  • Dario