How to secure API Keys

Hi there,
I have seen some posts here regarding this question, but none that really gives a good answer or conclusion, as to how to best handle API keys.

I am facing this challenge now in a new app I am developing, and from what I have read, the only really safe way is to have a server backend/proxy where you keep the API Keys, but that is something I do not have and have no experience with setting up at all. I know there are services out there that can be used, but to my knowledge, these requires skills I do not have in terms of setting it up.
Anyone out there with experience on this and know how and/or have used any backend/proxy services out there they would recommend?

Hi Finn,

Welcome to the community.

I’m assuming that you have only recently joined CWC+. There is a Networking course that Chris Ching has and in that he describes a method to secure your API key by storing it in a Config.xcconfig file within your Xcode project which you then add to .gitignore so that you avoid exposing it to your remote GitHub repo if you have one.

Documentation on the file format of the Config.xcconfig file can be found at this link:

Essentially you create a Config.xcconfig file in Xcode by tapping File > New > File and selecting Configuration Settings File in the “Other” group.

In that file, add a line:

API_KEY = yourAPIKeyString (no quotes required)

and save it.

In your project you can create a Swift file to store all your Constants. Let’s assume that you are accessing a Yelp API just as an example. This is what mine looks like:

struct Constants {
    static let API_ENDPOINT = ""
    static var DETAILS_URL = ""
    static let API_KEY = Bundle.main.infoDictionary?["API_KEY"] as? String

So that’s how you reference the API_KEY that is stored in your Config.xcconfig file.

Hi Chris,
Thank you for your reply!
However, as far as I can read in this article: Secret Management on iOS - NSHipster it is not really considered to be secure to do it in a config file either, hence the section Store Secrets in Xcode Configuration and Info.plist in that article.

I agree, read that all config file anyway can be seen as it is stored in apk.
Strugling with same issue and can’t find any tutorial expalanation how to store API in some db and how to call it, use it. By using Firebase or Supabase or maybe some other service which could be free anyways as you only store api key nothing else.

If your app needs to use an API Key from the front-end, you need to protect it from mainly two types of attacks:

  • hackers that will pry the app open or try to find it on the memory disk

  • hackers that will intercept network requests to get the key – (this hack is scary because you can learn how to do it in 10min on YouTube)

One way you can protect yourself is to never store the key on disk nor in the binary. Always make the app fetch it at launch from a secure server. Use Apple App Check to ensure the request is sent from a legit version of your app and not a cracked iPhone.

After that, you must protect all your network requests with SSL pinning.

but of course, the best security is to not have put your API key on the front-end :slight_smile: and use a server as proxy