Do you mean that you want the first entry in the list to look different than the rest? That seems to be counter intuitive so why you would want to do that?
By telling the List to do this: List(movies.indices, id: \.self) { movieIndex in
what that does is give you an Index value to work with inside the list. That gives you a means of detecting which array index to identify to treat it differently. In the example above I have applied a visible border to it using the .overlay modifier so that it matches the cornerRadius but only applies that where the index value is 0 (ie, the first in the list).
Thanks Chris,
Also where can I learn core motion and SceneKit.Im applying to college to get into a physics program and I need a solid physics and app collaboration project.Note : I want to build something useful not an educational app.I want to build something applied which researchers can actually use even if its basic its fine and no calculators im bored of building calculators.
If you follow his “100 Days of Swift” course (covering UIKit) he gets into SpriteKit, GameplayKit and how physics is an integral part of that. I was never a Games person but the games in that were a heap of fun. Well worth following if you have the time and the patience.