Incrementing Data in Firestore's Database

When someone enters a kitchenID, I want to query the database to ensure a kitchen with that kitchenID exists. If it does, then I want to get the value for the usersConnected key, increment it, and update the value in the database.

Problem Code:
Comes after using a query to get the specific document that matches the kitchenID.

 // Increment usersConnected for that kitchen
usersConnected = querySnapshot!.documents[0].value(forKey: "userConnected") as? Int ?? 0
usersConnected += 1 //Right here it crashes and gives error below:

Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSUnknownKeyException’, reason: '[<FIRQueryDocumentSnapshot 0x6000028c4320> valueForUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key userConnected.'

Whole Long Function:
I added the whole long function in case you needed context. Please forgive the long function. I am planning to refactor once I get everything working. I kept wanting to refactor earlier, but kept breaking things. And I am SOOOOO close to having a working signUp screen.

func registerAndConnectKitchen() {
        if != "" && self.password != "" && self.repass != "" {
            if self.password == self.repass {
                let cleanedEmail = email.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
                let cleanedPassword = password.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
                let kitchenID = kitchenCode.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines)
                Auth.auth().createUser(withEmail: cleanedEmail, password: cleanedPassword) { result, error in
                    if error != nil {
                        self.error = error!.localizedDescription
                    print("Succeeded in creating user")
                    // Check for valid kitchen code
                    let db = Firestore.firestore()
                    let kitchens = db.collection("kitchens")
                    var usersConnected = 0
                    let query = kitchens.whereField("kitchenID", isEqualTo: kitchenID)
                    query.getDocuments { querySnapshot, error in
                        if error != nil {
                            self.error = error!.localizedDescription
                        else if querySnapshot!.documents.isEmpty {
                            self.error = "That kitchen doesn't exist!"
                        else {
                            print("Kitchen found. Storing user in database")
                            // Add user to database
                            let users = db.collection("users")
                            users.addDocument(data: [
                                "email" : email,
                                "UID" : result!.user.uid,
                                "kitchenID" : kitchenID
                            ]) { error in
                                if error != nil {
                                    print("User created, but not stored to database!")
                                // Increment usersConnected for that kitchen
                                usersConnected = querySnapshot!.documents[0].value(forKey: "usersConnected") as? Int ?? 0
                                usersConnected += 1
                                let kitchen = kitchens.document(kitchenID)
                                kitchen.updateData(["usersConnected" : usersConnected]) { error in
                                    if error != nil {
                                        print("User stored in database, but kitchen's usersConnected not updated")
                                    // TODO: Learn what this does - store loggedIn status
                                    // TODO: Store kitchen ID in user defaults?
                                    UserDefaults.standard.set(true, forKey: "status")
                           NSNotification.Name("status"), object: nil)
            else {
                self.error = "Passwords must match exactly"
        else {
            self.error = "Please fill in all the boxes"

The long function was definitely needed for context! Pretty much just always include that, overall it’s usually pretty difficult to pin down an issue with only a small part of a whole function

The “valueForUndefinedKey” did you spell anything wrong?

I checked but nothing is spelled wrong. that I can see

I’ve realized that it’s not the increment that is causing the error, like I thought. I misinterpreted the breakpoints. The problem is this line:

usersConnected = querySnapshot!.documents[0].value(forKey: "usersConnected") as? Int ?? 0

It’s not the casting that’s the problem because printing this:

print(querySnapshot!.documents[0].value(forKey: "usersConnected"))

Also causes the problem.

If I print the contents of the document:


It looks like this:

[“usersConnected”: 1, “kitchenID”: ZfMnKWYK]

I’m trying to increment that 1. :sob:

Decode this object to get the usersConnected part and then increment that number

Pardon the dumb question, but how do I decode it?

Hi Philomath!

Have you tried this?

let kitchen = db.collection("kitchens").document(kitchenID)
kitchen.updateData([ "usersConnected": FieldValue.increment()])

Documentation reference (bottom of the page, “Increment a numeric value”):

You could also check for a document’s existence like this:

let kitchen = db.collection("kitchens").document(kitchenID)
kitchen.getDocument { (document, error) in
            if let document = document, document.exists {
                print("document exists")

            } else {
                print("Document does not exist")

Hope this is helpful


That was SO much easier. And I’ve saved that documentation for the next time I wonder how to do something with Firebase.

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Haha my pleasure! The Firebase documentation is really great, definitely recommend checking it out