iOS 14 - Thumbnails do not display in the UIImagePickerController

Thumbnails do not display in the UIImagePickerController or PHPickerViewController when running on iPhone 11 or a real device with iOS 14.

    if (@available(iOS 14, *)) {
    PHPickerConfiguration *config = [[PHPickerConfiguration alloc] init];
    config.selectionLimit = 1;
    config.filter = [PHPickerFilter imagesFilter];
    PHPickerViewController *pickerViewController = [[PHPickerViewController alloc] initWithConfiguration:config];
    pickerViewController.delegate = self;
    [self presentViewController:pickerViewController animated:YES completion:nil];
} else {
    UIImagePickerController * picker = [[UIImagePickerController alloc] init];
    picker.allowsEditing = YES;
    picker.sourceType = UIImagePickerControllerSourceTypeSavedPhotosAlbum;
    [self presentViewController:picker animated:YES completion:nil];

Looks like you are using Objective C.

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