Hi folks, this is Ian from Toronto, Canada. I moved here from China many years ago. As a non-native English speaker, I (and many like me) often struggle to learn and apply new vocab. I hope my AI-infused app can help solve this.
There are two user personas and problems I will focus on for now:
As a student, I (and many others) had to study for standard tests like TOEFL, IESLE, GRE, and GMAT when applying to undergraduate and graduate schools.
As a professional, I love reading good books and am passionate about writing. I struggle to learn new words and apply them.
There are many test vocab apps out there. Here is what I want to offer differently and better:
- more vocab (e.g, 6000 TOEFL words compared to ~3000 in other apps)
- use AI to help create dynamic content to help understand and reinforce
- more personalized mechanism to help reinforce (e.g., 1-click to add new word)
- de-clutter UI (e.g., no ads, straightforward payment)
I hope to launch this app with basic MVP features in the App Store around the new year. I will work on this during the Christmas holiday.
Stay tuned! Happy building