Lower learning curve: SwiftUI or UIKit storyboard?

Hi - which is easier to learn for a complete coding newbie, SwiftUI or UIKit Storyboard? I want to build a suuuuper simple app for personal use. No aspirations of being a developer, just want to build one project.

Probably SwiftUI but given that the SwiftUI framework is very new there are a lot of things it can’t do yet which are relatively easy to do in UIKit.

When I started about 3 years ago I said the same thing - “I have no aspirations of being a developer”. The thing is that it became addictive.

The SwiftUI framework will get an update at WWDC20 and there are sure to be some exciting additions to make it better still.

The only person so far to have a comprehensive SwiftUI course is Paul Hudson so if you are keen to take that path then search on line for hacking with swift 100 days of SwiftUI and you will find the links to his free course. Well worth doing. Then after you have finished that you can have a crack at learning UIKit and Chris Ching has some great courses on his site too. CodewithChris.com

Thanks for the info Chris!