Make the NavigationView white background disappear

I made a separate reference to a toolbar with navigation links but I cannot seem to get the white boarder encasing the buttons to disappear i tried several background modifiers, but none are working.

First code (the toolbar code)

//  Toolbar.swift
//  Equilibrium
//  Created by Joseph Catanese on 3/26/23.

import SwiftUI

struct Toolbar: View {
    @Environment(\.colorScheme) var colorScheme
    var body: some View {
                    HStack(spacing: 30){
                        NavigationLink(destination: Workouts().navigationBarHidden(true)) {dumbbellB()}
                        NavigationLink(destination: DailyView().navigationBarHidden(true)) {dayviewB()}
                        NavigationLink(destination: Meals().navigationBarHidden(true)) {foodB()}
                        NavigationLink(destination: Profile().navigationBarHidden(true)) {profileB()}
        .frame(height: 85)

struct Toolbar_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    static var previews: some View {

second code where i want the toolbar to overlay on top of

struct Homepage: View {
    var body: some View {

The screenshot is of the screen i want the toolbar on top of

thank you for the help.

Interested to know why you’re making your own Tab Bar rather than using the default one.

Make the HStack Color.clear

I figured it out i think it was because i was calling a view with a navigation view into a view with a navigation view

Why use a custom tab bar though rather than the default one?

What is the default one? I was unaware there was a default one. Can you add sf images to it?

You don’t need to make your own TabView, apple gives you one for free. And use you’re supposed to use SF Symbols for the tab bar icons

ill check it out awesome thank you!

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I’d highly recommend you use that, as opposed to building your own!