Making an App together(collaboration)

Hey there, I went through whole CodeWithChriss Course and was thinking it would more interesting and easier to create an app with someone. Preferably couple of people. That way we could help each other out if we are stuck on concept. If anyone is interested in collaborating on a App let me know.

I’m interested in collaborating. Do you have telegram?

I’m also interested in doing this. Great idea! We could hang out in Discord (like lots of dev communities do these days) or communicate via Github discussions… whatever works for you.
What kind of app did you have in mind?

Can you add me on Discord ismi? “stokely627.” is my username.

I’m just starting out but I would love to contribute in any way I can!

I sent you a friend request just now. If we want to hang out together, though, we’d need a discord server first. I don’t know if one already exists for codewithchris? I assume it does not.

I’d like to collaborate too. If this is still an option, we can do it togther.

Hello, I’d also like to join the discord, create an application together or several different applications is very interesting.

Hey guys , sorry I wasn’t active for some time. I ll create a discord group, and post it here. I am a little busy these day, but it should be done by tomorrow.
Looking forward to working together

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Actually, already did it. This is the first time I am creating my own discord group. So I didn’t know it was that eas. This is the link:

If you have any problems joining let me know here.

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I get this:

I think the link expired. This is a new one, set to never expire.
