Match App card flipping

Hi everybody,
to me occured the same problem as Rob said… is it possible that the “UIView.animate()” in XCode 12 is different when it comes to adding animations?
Chris says in the video, he is simply using the return button to insert “self.frontImageView.alpha = 0” - for me this seems to be handled different in the XCode 12 version… but maybe I am just too much of a beginner…

// TODO: Does NOT function properly - …card stays open

    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, delay: 0.5, options: .curveEaseOut, animations: {
                    self.frontImageView.alpha = 0}, completion: nil)

Any help would be happily appreciated…

Hi Nina,

I have moved your question to it’s own thread given that the thread you posted in was originally created back in Jun 10th.

Regarding your question, can you post a screenshot of your code please. Include all of the code in that CardCollectionViewCell.swift file

// CardCollectionViewCell.swift
// MatchApp2
// Created by Nina Klee on 24.11.20.

import UIKit

class CardCollectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell {

@IBOutlet weak var frontImageView: UIImageView!

@IBOutlet weak var backImageView: UIImageView!

var card:Card?

func configureCell(card:Card) {
    // Keep track of the card this cell represents
    self.card = card
    // Set the front image view to the view that represents the card
    frontImageView.image = UIImage(named: card.imageName)
    // Reset the state of the cell by checking the flipped status of the card and then showing the front or the back imageView accordingly
    if card.isMatched == true {
        backImageView.alpha = 0
        frontImageView.alpha = 0
    else {
        backImageView.alpha = 1
        frontImageView.alpha = 1
    if card.isFlipped == true {
        // Show the front image view
        flipUp(speed: 0)
    else {
        // Show the back image view
        flipDown(speed: 0, delay: 0)

func flipUp(speed:TimeInterval = 0.3) {
    // Flip up animation
    UIView.transition(from: backImageView, to: frontImageView, duration: speed, options: [.showHideTransitionViews, .transitionFlipFromLeft] , completion: nil)
    // Set the status of the card
    card?.isFlipped = true

func flipDown(speed:TimeInterval = 0.3, delay:TimeInterval = 0.5) {
    DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: + delay) {
        // Flip down animation
        UIView.transition(from: self.frontImageView, to: self.backImageView, duration: speed, options: [.showHideTransitionViews, .transitionFlipFromLeft] , completion: nil)

    // Set the status of the card
    card?.isFlipped = false

func remove() {
    // Make the image views invisible
    backImageView.alpha = 0
    // TODO: Does NOT function properly - ...card stays open
    UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.3, delay: 0.5, options: .curveEaseOut, animations: {
                    self.frontImageView.alpha = 0}, completion: nil)


Hi Chris, (you are all Chris+s ? :wink: )
thanks for your answer.
In my reply above I send you the complete code.
Unfortunately this is already my second try with the MatchApp and I always get stuck at Lection 27… (maybe with different problems, though)
I will work on the WarCardGame as you suggested.

Thanks a million for your support!


Hahaha… There are only two Chris’s and I am the “other one” from Australia whereas Chris Ching is Canadian and based in Toronto.

I plugged your code into my version of the App and it works perfectly so there is no issue in that file so I’m not sure what the issue might be. Check the ViewController.swift file to make sure that you have the call to remove both the cards and that the variables are named correctly.