Module 2 lesson 2 challenge too much?

So after completing the 14 day challenge pretty thoroughly and doing everything myself without looking at the solution, going into the next module (module 2 lesson 2), it seemed to have jumped really really fast and I was completely lost. I am wondering if this was normal for anyone else? Perhaps because I took a weekend break after 14day challenge (module 1)


Hi @wutodouble

There have been a few other people who have made a comment similar to your sentiments though the numbers are small compared to the number of users registered on this forum (6,600 or more).

When I first started learning Xcode and iOS it was a struggle and I am sure that Chris Ching would say the same.

I would encourage you to stick with the course. It’s OK to have a look at the solution if you can’t figure it out.

i suggest running through the module first, take a step back, and try to process how it all worked out it in end… and maybe try repeating the module again to see if it made a difference on your learning


I understand you very well. I’ve tried to solve this challenge without looking at solution, but failed. At some point I needed ideas. Module 1 was clear for me, I understood and learned every lesson but failed to implement that knowledge into M2L2 challenge. Maybe it comes with practice, also walking through a solution code helps to understand logic.


I too found module 2 lesson 2 of iOS fundamentals quite difficult. I feel that the transition from module 1 to module 2 could be much smoother. I understand I could look at the solution provided by Chris, but for me personally, when I look at the solution I often don’t learn when the code is supposed to be used, where exactly to put it, and most importantly, why. The subsequent lessons since that challenge haven’t been any easier.


agreed. getting to the final challenge of M2, I found myself copy and pasting a lot from Recipe App.

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I agree it was very difficult for me. However it ended up being an incredible learning experience. I decided to print the challenge list, print the contentview from the challenge, and print a screenshot of the UI. I re-watched the video and then I started mapping everything from the challenge list to the code and ultimately it really helped me better understand. I’m still new and learning and hated this challenge to start but just slowed down and figured I could learn from it, which I did.


btw module 4 becomes alot more learning friendly

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Just signed up for CWC+ after successfully completing the 14 beginner challenge (module 1).

I actually redid the entire 14 day challenge again and felt like I had really understood everything well to the point that I was able to recreate the War card game and the spinner game at the end for a second time without needing to look at the solutions.

Dived into module 2 and after learning about arrays in the first lesson was excited to put that into practice with the lesson 2 challenge, which I assumed would be a simple app that added data to an array.

Well what a soul destroying experience. I lost all the confidence I had gained from completing the 14 day challenge and now feel like I have learned almost nothing. The challenge was way way way too complex and even after viewing the solution with its notes I still had little idea about what some of the code was doing and why it existed.

You really need to change this lesson challenge to something easier as I don’t doubt many others probably feel the same way as I do, and feel rather angry or depressed that they are supposed to understand anything remotely approaching this already (when we clearly dont).


But you haven’t! You’ve learned everything from module 1 and module 2 is more difficult, but your progress isn’t backwards.

Remember if coding was easy, everyone would be doing and people wouldn’t be paid six figures for an entry level job.

It’s tough!!

What part specifically of the challenge was difficult or a piece of code you didn’t understand?

You could make a separate topic and others can break it down in a different way

Sometimes it takes a while to fully understand and grasp a concept

Or just hearing that concept explained in a different way

I completely understand. And I continued to follow the path… hoping to learn. But the transition was not friendly. I had felt defeated after going into module 2 and tried to learn it and continue, but I felt more and more defeated.

Programming is tough!

But when you’re continually defeated that’s when you should start connecting with the community and asking questions and possibly finding a tutor or study group

Like I mention in this quote, asking specific questions can help you get a better answer and understanding of a concept. Almost every forum can’t help when you watch a lesson and say “I don’t get it,” saying a specific part of a concept helps others pinpoint the issue you’re having to explain further

I totally agree with the users that found lesson 2 of module 2 too tough. In order to find the solution of the challenge you should be an experience app programmer. The transition from module 1 challenges to module 2 challenges was steep.

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I separated my afternoon to do this challenge and then POW!!! I got hit in my jaw so hard!!! after seeing the challenge done I figured a little bit but now I’m going back the entire module 2 hopping this time I’ll get it.

Maybe the way the challenge was written needs to be clarified :grin: