Multi image picker help needed

Help needed. Per Mikaela Caron’s recommendation on another thread, I got the following from Paul Hudson at:

import PhotosUI
import SwiftUI

struct ImagePicker: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
    @Binding var image: UIImage?
    func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> PHPickerViewController {
        var config = PHPickerConfiguration()
        config.filter = .images
        let picker = PHPickerViewController(configuration: config)
        picker.delegate = context.coordinator
        return picker
    func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: PHPickerViewController, context: Context) {
    func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {
    class Coordinator: NSObject, PHPickerViewControllerDelegate {
        let parent: ImagePicker
        init(_ parent: ImagePicker) {
            self.parent = parent
        func picker(_ picker: PHPickerViewController, didFinishPicking results: [PHPickerResult]) {
            picker.dismiss(animated: true)
            guard let provider = results.first?.itemProvider else { return }
            if provider.canLoadObject(ofClass: UIImage.self) {
                provider.loadObject(ofClass: UIImage.self) { image, _ in
                    self.parent.image = image as? UIImage

This works fine, and I can access the image variable to get a single image into the code I’m writing; in this case, building a pdf report.

Have tried many ways to get multiple images returned in an array like [image], so I can add multiple images to the pdf file in a loop. Can’t seem to get it working. Can anyone help with this? I emailed Paul, but no answer.

There is a selectionLimit property on PHPickerConfiguration. It defaults to 1 for single selection, but you can set it higher for multiple selections or to 0 for the maximum amount that the system allows.

You would obviously have to make some other changes since now you’d be working with an array instead of a single image, but I’ll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

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I’m well aware of the selectionLimit, but was having trouble with setting it up. Your reply reminds me of math books: “The proof of the theorem is straightforward and left to the student as an exercise.”
Anyway, I did some more searching and found this little gem:

Thanks to this, I finally got it working.


richam Thank you for posting the Git; appreciate your desire to help others! Would you be able to post the code you used to call the ImagePicker (i.e. code that loads the ImagePicker in a sheet)?