My Coding Adventure - Installment 3

Well, I finished the IOS Foundations Swift UI course. Making the Recipe App was fun, and I learned a lot of things that I can use in the Weaving Project App that I’m working on. But, as usual for me, I keep trying to do things that are beyond my level of expertise. While discussing these issues with my husband, he suggested that I probably need some sort of database. So that will be the next course I take. Hopefully, I will be less frustrated!

The most frustrating things so far are the vague error messages. Sometimes even when Xcode gives a fix, there’s still an error. That’s usually when I scream “what the hell do you want from me?”. Of course, Xcode does not tell me. As a beginner, when I look up errors on line, the examples are always for something much more complicated than what I’m trying to do, and I don’t know how to translate the answer to my project.

However, I am impressed with how much has been learned so far. The Recipe App looks fantastic. It inspires me to keep trying and learn more.

Thanks so much to Chris Ching for his teaching, And to Makaela, and Chris Stewart for always responding to my questions. It’s nice to be a part of this community.