Pagasi Journal starting the beginner classes!

It depends. You can still use either or!!!

Firebase has documentation to show you when you should use which one

baby Nathaniel is here and is so far the most healthy and easy baby I’ve had to date! that’s very helpful isn’t it lol

So its been over a week off, but I hopped in to work on firebase listeners and review a bit on reading data and such… everything is still there, I have to remind myself that I only need a little a day or I’ll just start devouring the thing and then burn out, or just stop doing it because I don’t “have time”. I do have small bits of time and I need to keep using them each day.

in other news my buddy Ray showed me a fancy schmancy API that gives you an AI that you can then train for your specific app… so that’s fun! he sees it as the solution to my audio issues… I suppose it could be… maybe even overkill lol, I know that there are plenty of audio APIs out there that do what I want and way more. but still, that’s way cool, and I suppose it should have been obvious that AI would be a part of programing these days, but that just never occurred to me.

Feeing much better about protocols and delegates, spent a day just watching videos and doing practice apps

Finished up the first module for Firestone, moving into the journal app tomorrow, I’m pretty excited about it

starting Joural app today!

set up the whole Main.storyboard with Chris, then went to open the assistant editor and couldn’t link to the view controller… turns out I did the whole setup in the LaunchScreen.storyboard facepalm

Hmm I can tell that enclosures are a big deal and I’m getting that protocol delegate “this is complicated so go practice it a lot” vibe… tried to go watch some YouTube videos on it… it’s not clicked yet but I will keep on it

I still struggle with closures, don’t feel upset if it doesn’t click immediately.

Yes you’re completely right, just gotta keep practicing

Also, congrats!! :partying_face::partying_face:

okay so video School and new baby are definitely taking the majority of my time. I’ve missed the last few days of signing on to take a class… also my “L” key has suddenly stopped working smoothy…sigh. But today I signed on, watched a quick class and it felt good. Firebase is yelling at me that my permissions are about to expire on that first test database we made, so I glanced at permissions over there but didn’t really understand anything… that’s okay, as long as I keep making progress here in swift I will have made the progress I need.

There has to be a place to fit this class into my schedule, I thought Covid was supposed to give us lots of free time lol! But those 30 minute lessons are really an hour with all the pausing to type and occasional rewinding, not to mention debugging lol. I’ll get this thing figured out… this is fine! lol


Glad to hear you’re persevering!

Hmm not sure about that Firebase issue though

sigh note to self: when downloading a GoogleService-info.plist to download folder, sometimes there’s already a plist there and the new file gets appended with -2 … or in this case -4 lol. Project will NOT compile with a GoogleService-info-4.plist… I’ve fallen prey to this twice now and lost 30 minutes debugging each time!

Yes haha it must be named exactly

wow, he wasn’t kidding when he said the photo app was a level up. I’m having a hard time tracking what all the code does now. I wish I had time to rewatch this app from the beginning, and I’m only halfway through… oh well. At least I know where to find this stuff and have a better understanding of it. I think part of my problem is I’m just going through classes and not coding apps for myself at this stage. That’s not something I have time for at the moment either lol not with the two kids in virtual school and work in the evenings. But maybe when they go back to school I’ll be able to write apps. I mean… what stage of the learning process did you guys start writing apps? I suppose I did write that flash card app at the end of the Foundations course, but it basically a clone of the a few of the first apps in the course lol I learned a crap ton from doing that too.

that warm feeling inside when you realize you didn’t make a terrible mistake, you won’t need to spend the next hour debugging… you just accidentally added a breakpoint… and the code is fine.

I’ve been taking a few more days off than I prefer, but I also feel like I had good reason… ie. anniversary weekend, or 4 day weekend to recover my sanity, or… I forgot… some reasons are better than others hahahaha

My brain is fried, I just rewatched two videos to try to find my error… I think I’ve narrowed it down, for some reason when retrieving data from the database it doesn’t understand some of the data like the date and the photoId… seems like that could be important lol. so p keeps coming up as nil at the end of the retrieve function. I have an empty tableView :frowning: My refresher works great though! that actually makes triggering break points easy cause I don’t have to stop and restart the app lol just refresh the feedViewController and I can hit breakpoints all over the app lol. but its 12:30 at night and I have to get up early… I’m gonna have to try again tomorrow.

(about 7:30am) Monday morning… still stuck, I found out that I had been saving the date in the document entry under the name “data” so I fixed that, but it didn’t fix anything, it still says unable to read data and photoId… I’ll keep working

edit : (about 9:00am) woot! I almost got it! so in addition to date being written “data” in the document file, userId had a capitol D in one place and a lowercase in another, also usernameLabel was known as userNameLabel on the storyboard somehow… now I have the name and date showing up in the feed view! I though I was done that I just had to add a height of 10 to the image buuuutt… that didn’t work, so now I gotta go figure that out.

edit: (9:35am) ha! got it! I had a memory of Chris making the photo height 10, but really it was 176? I might go back and rewatch to see what happened there, but holy crap this has been stressing me out for 4 days! I sort of avoided working on it over the weekend lol. Thank god that’s done, now I can go enjoy the last video on this app in peace

Well I suppose I did ask for it lol Chris really let us take way more responsibility for setting up the app in today’s lesson! that was pretty shocking! I do appreciate it, I’m glad there were no real bugs lol I did have a problem with my cell identifier because I saved it in the wrong place lol whoops! but that was a quick fix. I’m looking forward to rewatching this to actually absorb info because I spent most of my energy just making sure it would work! lol!

spent some time rehashing tableviews. I tried to write a basic app that made a table using an array of words to fill out the cells with. almost got it to work without having to go look up a few things… tables are just so damn useful… I hate that it makes me nervous to work with them. I didn’t try to fix the bug that happens when you scroll too fast… I should probably try again lol. I also added an easy feature to my kid’s sightword app that tells you how many words are remaining. trickier than I thought it would be, but that’s not to say it was hard. YAY! I’m getting better at this!.. back to work! I’m currently on Databases module 6 #5

quick class in the morning! a lot of the auto populate methods for MapKit were not autofilling. had to manually write out a lot of the properties and Xcode was like… wait I’ve never heard of these properties before? then you build and Xcode be like Oh YEAH! I remember those!

huh… I find myself in an interesting position. My son’s library class is doing an excercise on coding, but we have our own personal Ipad for school, an iPad mini 5, which means occasional glitches when dealing with the school because they have their own iPad and they run software assuming everyone is using just that iPad… those punks. What that means for me is occasionally I have to use my laptop to do things for their classes. I use my laptop in the morning to work on coding, but this morning my son needed my laptop… to learn coding. how can I argue with that?

Hmm so now I need to decide whether to attempt the realm module despite the module not being updated for the purchase… or just skip these two modules for now… any recommendations?

Aaaaand now I’m dreaming about programming lol