Problems about the apple Swiftui tutorial (building-lists-and-navigation)

i just follow the apple’s SwiftUi tutorial class (Building Lists and Navigation) and download the file to learn how to code in Swift. when i created a landmarkrow in supporting views. it said that Failed to register bundle identifier. The app identifier “” cannot be registered to your development team. Change your bundle identifier to a unique string to try again. And said that (No profiles for ‘’ were found: Xcode couldn’t find any iOS App Development provisioning profiles matching ‘’.) what should i do ??

Am I need to create a developer account and pay for it if I want to use this file ???

Simply go to Signing & Capabilites and select your Team (Which is your Development Account)

I think if I remember correct you can make an Apple Developer Account without enrolling in the Program. There is the unpaid option.

My account is personal team then i can’t use the file??


Hey Tomohisa,

Welcome to the forum!

Have you tried changing the bundle identifier to something else?
Maybe com.tomo.test


I deleted my XCODE and reinstalled it and also I changed bundle identifier to com.tomo.test but the Xcode reported that failedToGetInstalledApplicationInfoAfterInstalling. :dizzy_face:

ANd this

Your maximum App ID limit has been reached. You may create up to 10 App IDs every 7 days.:rofl:

oh!! after i clean the build folder. it can work

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This was a great tutorial… I altered it to match a school project to have a list of learning centers, clicking on that takes me to the detail view where the name and address is listed however there is no pin in the map to show the location. I also added a button to get directions they need to be turn by turn based on the users current location and that is where I am stuck, is there another part to this tutorial or another tutorial you could recommend to finish this for my intro to iOS programming course?

even if I clean the build folder, error still appear!! :expressionless: