Recipe app, getting error in my DataService.swift file, that says, "cannot assign to property: 'id' is a get-only property, also "cannot assign value of types to type 'ObjectIdenentifier"

getting an this error, any help?

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Please post your code as text rather than a screenshot. That way others can copy/paste your code to work out solutions and won’t have to type everything in from scratch.

Please post your Recipe model.

okay here’s my Recipe model

import Foundation

class Recipe: Identifiable, Decodable {

var name:String

var featured:Bool

var image: String

var description:String

var prepTime:String

var cookTime:String

var totalTime:String

var servings:Int

var indegredients:[String]

var directions:[String]


also here’s the code in the screen shot

import Foundation

class DataService {

static func getLocalData() -> [Recipe] {
    // Parse local json file
    // Get a url path to the json file
    let pathString = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "recipes", ofType: "json")
    // Check if pathString is not nil, otherwise...
    guard pathString != nil else {
        return [Recipe]()
    // Create a url object
    let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: pathString!)
    do {
        // Create a data object
        let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
        // Decode the data with a JSON decoder
        let decoder = JSONDecoder()
        do {
            let recipeData = try decoder.decode([Recipe].self, from: data)
            // Add the unique IDs
            for r in recipeData {
       = UUID()
            // Return the recipes
            return recipeData
        catch {
            // error with parsing json
    catch {
        // error with getting data
    return [Recipe]()


Hope you don’t mind me chiming in here Patrick…


Your Recipe model does not have a property named id so that is why Xcode is yelling at you.

import Foundation

class Recipe: Identifiable, Decodable {
    var id: UUID?  // <--- Add this property to your Model
    var name: String
    var featured: Bool
    var image: String
    var description: String
    var prepTime: String
    var cookTime: String
    var totalTime: String
    var servings: Int
    var indegredients: [String]
    var directions: [String]

One question: Is this related to Module 4 of the “iOS Foundations (SwiftUI)” course?

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ahh okay thank you so much! didn’t see that. and yes it is referring to module 4 course

There in another property missing in your class too and an error in the definition of ingredients. If you don’t fix that now it will cause you grief later on when you build the RecipeDetailView

You need to add a property highlights of type [String] and change ingredients to be of type [Ingredient] and then add the class Ingredient below Recipe.

To save you some time the two classes should be defined like this:

class Recipe: Identifiable, Decodable {
    var id: UUID?
    var name: String
    var featured: Bool
    var image: String
    var description: String
    var prepTime: String
    var cookTime: String
    var totalTime: String
    var servings: Int
    var highlights: [String]
    var ingredients: [Ingredient]
    var directions: [String]

class Ingredient: Identifiable, Decodable {
    var id: UUID?
    var name: String
    var num: Int?
    var denom: Int?
    var unit: String?

In your getLocalData() method you will have to adjust your code that assigns the UUID() to the id property in both Recipe and Ingredient like this:

 for recipe in recipeData { = UUID()

     for ingredient in recipe.ingredients { = UUID()
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