Releasing my app under what developer name?

Hey guys!
Im getting ready to launch an amazing app I’ve created and im wondering whether or not I should release it under my name or a different name. I feel like releasing it under a different name seems more professional but maybe not?
If I did release it under another name, would I need to create a new developer account? Could I do it from my current developer account?
Thanks guys!! :blue_heart:

Hi @abowser1

Releasing your app under a different name than your own can give your app a more professional image, but ultimately the decision is up to you. If you decide to release your app under a different name, you would not need to create a new developer account to do so. You can release your app under a different name using your current developer account.

However, keep in mind that creating a new developer account means you would need to create new app listings, new app bundles, new app metadata, and new app screenshots for the app. Also, you would have to start from scratch to build your app’s reputation, reviews, and ratings.

Additionally, you should also take into consideration any legal and financial implications of using a different name for your app. It’s a good idea to speak with an attorney or accountant to understand the legal and financial implications of using a different name for your app and developer account.

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You have to form a company and get approved by Apple to release an app under a name that’s not your name.

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