String Catalogs for Main Storyboard and how to detect strings stored in Enums automatically

I have built the project using uikit, and swiftui (in one or two places). There are xibs, storyboards, as well as programmatic design. Altho I have been successful in creating string catalogs for most of them. I just cannot create one for the Main Storyboard. Also, there are a enum where many string s are stored and being called when needed to used in textfield, label, buttons etc. Is there any way to add then automatically upon building in the string catalog, i know that string’s directly assigned to such uicomponents gets ditected and automatically added to the string catalog, but in this case, are there some tweaks available to achieve this. Also i have tried using LocalizedStringResource(stringLiteral: self.placeholderStr), didn’t quite work, dont think it’s built to use like this. Here the placeholder gets it’s value from it superview on runtime depending to which superview is using it.