Swift optionals (2020) - lesson 15

i am reaching out in regards to getting some guidance for locating the worksheeting for the video lesson swift optionals (2020) - lesson 15. i did go signup to receive the 29 day beginner emails, in which i did receive the specific one that redirects me to drop box > i went into the folder for lessons 11 - 17, and i dont see anything relating back to the lesson 15 video. could I get some guidance on where to find it? or am i looking in the wrong place?


Hi Aaron,

Welcome to the Code Crew community.

I just had a scan though the dropbox structure and if you look inside the group Lessons 11-17 you will find the activity Sheet titled M2L5 Activity Sheet which is the activity for Optionals.

The DropBox structure is linked to the lesson and Module plan related to the paid course series and in particular the iOS Foundations course.

There isn’t, as far as I am aware, a Dropbox structure that has the activities numbered from 1 to 29. If there is, I have no knowledge of it.

I am one of the moderators on this group so I don’t have any other information that might assist other than what I have just indicated.