SwiftUI Animations - 3 Simple Techniques

Hi there,

I was wondering if there is also an Xcode file for the " SwiftUI Animations - 3 Simple Techniques" lesson? Without a file it’s just a video without a good possibility to follow along and practice.


Which course are you following? Generally for the course from Mark Moeykens there is a DropBox link to the code files that can be found in the first module of the course.

In the case of the course titled “SwiftUI Views - Video Reference Library” there is a module titled “Companion Xcode Project” which has a “Resources” section in which there is a link.

Hi Chris,

It’s the last video in the “Design Collection” course. I checked several times but for that course there is only a Figma file provided in dropbox.

OK that’s the Slots App that was a challenge in the “iOS Foundations with SwiftUI (2020)” course. It was Module 1 and the Lesson 13 Wrap-up Challenge. The solution to that Challenge is in the dropbox resources for that course so you need to go to that course and open the Dropbox link from the “Resources” section in the course Introduction. The only thing is that the solution was based on a single row of fruit. There is a later challenge to make that a 3 row slots App (9 item grid) but I can’t remember where that is nor if there is even a solution file. It was ages ago.

There is, however, a youtube video that covers converting the Slots App to a 9 item grid.

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