SwiftUI - Change Views

Hello All!

I’m so excited that I found this forum where we can all discuss and help each other. I’m newer to iOS development and would really love some help. I have been looking all over the internet and YouTube for the answer and simply can’t find it. My regular job is a firefighter and I’m working on an iOS application that can help my fire department. Before hand, thank you all for reading and lending a hand.

How do I go about changing views with SwiftUI?

Background -
I have been all over looking for the answer (3 days now) and the only thing that I can find is that you should use NavigationView or NavigationLink. However, this doesn’t seem very scalable or efficient. Currently, I have four views setup: Signup, Login, Forgot Password, and a Home view. I have all the Auth views (signup, login, and forgot password) running perfectly using the Navigation View. You can easily move between signup, login, or that you forgot your password. However, when a user signs up or logs in successfully, I want them taken to the Home view that will display their data. Using the NavigationView or NavigationLink seems to only present the back button as you would expect in the upper right corner. However, you shouldn’t be able to go back after you’ve successfully logged in and are now on your home screen. Essentially, it should take the user to the Home view and in order to get back to the signup or login, you would need to go to the setting within my app and logout.

Is there anyway to do this efficiently using SwiftUI? The only thing that I can think of, and this seems like a work around bandaid instead of a good solution is to use the Navigation Link and just not show the Nav or back button on the Home page. But like I was saying it seems that its cumbersome and there has to be a better way to just direct the user to the Home page after the login sequence.

Thank you all again for your wisdom and knowledge!
