Switch Statement (or any alternative)

I am working on a mini programme that input some variables and return results base on conditions.
My conditions code works fine, but it looks complicated and hard to read

I am trying to use switch statement to simplify it but faced some issues.

These are the variables:

    @State var adultRequiredMinAge:Int = 0
    @State var adultRequireDose:Int = 0
    @State var kidRequiredMinAge:Int = 0
    @State var kidRequireDose:Int = 0
    @State var actualAge:Int?
    @State var Dose:Int = 0
    @State var adultLastDoseNotExpired:Bool = false
    @State var kidLastDoseNotExpired:Bool = false
    @State var hasMEC:Bool = false
    @State var mecNotExpired:Bool = false
    @State var vaccinePass = ""
    @State var TestSwitchResult = ""

and these are the conditions, it works fine:


                Button {
                    //Vaccine record have age
                    if let actualAge = actualAge {
                        //has MEC
                        if hasMEC == true && mecNotExpired == true {
                            vaccinePass = "MEC"
                        //No MEC
                        } else if hasMEC == false || mecNotExpired == false {
                                if actualAge >= adultRequiredMinAge {
                                    if Dose >= 1 && Dose >= adultRequireDose && adultLastDoseNotExpired == true {
                                        vaccinePass = "Fully Vaccinated - Adult"
                                    } else if (Dose >= 1 && Dose <= adultRequireDose) || (Dose >= 1 && adultLastDoseNotExpired == false) {
                                        vaccinePass = "Partly Vaccinated - Adult"
                                    } else {
                                        vaccinePass = "Not Vaccinated - Adult"
                            else if actualAge <= adultRequiredMinAge && actualAge >= kidRequiredMinAge {
                                if Dose >= 1 && Dose >= kidRequireDose && kidLastDoseNotExpired == true {
                                    vaccinePass = "Fully Vaccinated - Kid"
                                } else if (Dose >= 1 && Dose <= kidRequireDose) || (Dose >= 1 && kidLastDoseNotExpired == false) {
                                    vaccinePass = "Partly Vaccinated - Kid"
                                } else {
                                    vaccinePass = "Not Vaccinated - Kid"
                            } else if actualAge < kidRequiredMinAge {
                                vaccinePass = "MEC - Baby"
                    //Vaccine record don't have age
                    } else if actualAge == nil{
                        if Dose >= adultRequireDose && adultLastDoseNotExpired {
                            vaccinePass = "Fully Vaccinated - No Age"
                        } else if Dose >= 1{
                            vaccinePass = "Partly Vaccinated - No Age"
                        } else {
                            vaccinePass = "Not Vaccinated - No Age"
                } label: {

And I try to make it to a switch statement, may be I don’t really get how to use it, i have just typed a few lines and already faced bugs:
"Expression pattern of type ‘Bool’ cannot match values of type ‘String’"

Button {
    switch TestSwitchResult {
        case Dose >= adultRequireDose && adultLastDoseNotExpired == true : "Fully Vaccinated - No Age"
        case Dose >= 1 : "Partly Vaccinated - No Age"
        default: "Not Vaccinated - No Age"
} label: {
    Text("Switch Test")

Can I use switch statement in my case? if no, any alternative way to simplify the condition code?

You can have nested switch statements (ie, a switch inside a case) but each switch has to be on a single property and cannot be a compound test statement.

This documentation from the Swift manual may be of assistance. Scroll down till you find the Switch statement.