Third app released: CableBox (incl. free in-app purchase codes)

I’m happy to announce that my third app was released to the App Store:
CableBox (link below).

It’s great to see how following CodeWithChris (including former CwC+ subscription) helped me on this journey. CwC gave me the guidance how and what to learn to write and release apps to the market.

For this app, I incorporated RevenueCat to add a paywall for an in-app purchase.

To celebrate this milestone, I’m giving away 3 free codes for the in-app purchase. Just message me or comment below, and the first three people who want to have the code will get one.

Virtually archive your box full of cables. One day you will need a cable, and with CableBox you can be sure that you have the right cable in your box.

We all have it. The one box full of old cables. Because we’ll need one one day. At some point. And when the time comes, we’re not sure whether we actually have the right cable for our requirements. In the box in the attic. Or in the box in the basement? What if there was an app in which we could store all our cables virtually. With the cable length, the connections on both sides, a photo and even a small description. We could even give the cables their own names so we could find them again quickly. And that’s exactly what CableBox does. In the free version, you can save 1 box with up to 10 cables. If you need more, you can remove this limit for a one-time purchase.

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Yesterday I released version 1.4 of my app CableBox. I integrated a powerful search, so it is now easier to find that one cable you’re sure you have it somewhere :grinning::+1:t2:

To celebrate this milestone, I‘m giving away 5 codes to get the 1$ in-app purchase to unlock all features for free. Just DM me or write a comment below.