I can’t believe it’s been over three months since my last Journal post here. You must think I’ve dropped out or something.
After finishing up the CWC+ iOS Databases course in May, I took a bit of a breather to rest my head and get my thoughts around some of the confusion going on in my mind. The shock of going “from HStacks to CoreData/Firestore” knocked the wind out of me.
When I returned, I’d had many thoughts for starting my own app and so I took some time out to utilise part of what I’d learn from JC to come up with my own “journey map”.
Before getting onto wire framing (which WAS my next step, honest ), I got sidetracked by the videos on Views and Shapes by Mark Moeykens. I thought I’d learned enough about these from Chris but, boy, Mark’s friendly presentation style, bite-sized videos, and building up of “blueprints” and “portfolios” just takes that to a whole new level.
I very much enjoyed going over some of the things Chris had taken us through early on, as well as covering a lot of new stuff. I can’t rate Mark’s videos highly enough.
I then discovered Mark’s presentation-style books. They’ve been so useful and they’ve become my “go to” resources. I got so wrapped up his books on Views, Data, and Core Data that the number of posts on my own blog site dropped massively.
The more I read, the more confident I started feeling and I decided it was time to get back to that app I’d “journey mapped” in May. I’ve spent a lot of time “getting my hands dirty” with data, JSON, Core Data, the raw guts of my app, building on that which I learned from Chris and constant referencing back to Mark’s books to help clarify the more complicated aspects. I also created a web-based back-end, using PHP to add data to and pull data from MariaDB, creating the JSON file that the app downloads, loads into Core Data, and displays in SwiftUI Views ready for the next stage of my app.
Over the last couple of days, I’ve been working on the app design, including a little animated menu. It’s this that I’m having fun with right now.
I had a moment today when I actually heard myself saying “You know what, I’m actually enjoying writing this code.” That’s the first time since before my first tentative steps into SwiftUI / Xcode, and those little playground practices that were the first lessons with Chris, that I’ve been confident with my SwiftUI coding.
I’ve no idea where this road is going to take me now, but I feel as confident now with SwiftUI as I do with PHP, in that, although I’ve still so much to learn, I’m confident that I can and will learn. This is all thanks to everyone who contributes to CodeWithChris, especially Chris himself, and to BigMountainStudio (Mark).
My membership to CWC+ will expire soon, and I don’t have the finances to renew, and I don’t know what access I’ll have here after that, but I wanted to post a word of “thanks” to everyone here. When I began, even just that “Hello World” default in Xcode was more baffling than some arcane magic. I could barely even hope to be as confident with SwiftUI as I feel today and I can’t express my “thanks” to everyone here in any other way.
I hope that, one day, I’ll be able to give back to the community and help others as you have all helped me. My skill is more in learning than in teaching, but I don’t underestimate the importance of helping others.