War Card Game Signing & Capabilities Error

I just completed Lesson 8 of Building iOS Apps where Chris teaches about IBOutlets and IBAction methods.

I was poking around different parts of Xcode to familiarize myself and noticed that there are red exclamation marks in the Signing & Capabilities section as noted in the following:

I created the Team through Xcode --> Preferences --> Accounts and then entered my AppleID and Apple ID Password as requested yet there appears to be a problem. I further note that I do not have an Apple Developer Account to the extent that matter: Please:

  • Explain what issues / problems these error messages will create in the future (i.e. will bot be able to load the app on my phone, etc.);

  • Provide a fix.

Much thanks in advance!

Appreciate all those who have read this thread…I did some digging and after an hour or two discovered that on my iPhone I had to setup my profile as an authorized apple developer…problem solved!