Why are all “View As” phone devices now the same exact size class?

I updated XCode a few days ago, and now I’m noticing that when I click on a given mobile device in the “View As” menu, no matter which phone I click on - they are all wC hR size class.

What is going on here? I can’t use Vary for Traits for the iPhone if every single phone has the exact same size class/traits. What is going on here?

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Hi @shkmow

Can you provide a screen capture of exactly what you are referring to.



Yes, that’s exactly what I’m referring to. When I click on any of the iPhone models, each one says (wC hR). I don’t understand how this is possible. Do you know why this is happening?

If each one were actually the same, this would defeat the purpose of the Vary for Traits button. I’m completely confused as to why this is happening. :frowning:

I suspect that Apple is ultimately moving away from having different size classes in iPhones. That would make it distinctly easier when configuring the UI on all devices.

The other thing is that in years to come SwiftUI will take over as the framework of choice as there are no constraints required when using SwiftUI. Everything is a composed of multiple Views and configuring them is so easy and so much faster than messing around with Storyboard and pesky Constraints. When you eventually have a look at SwiftUI and get used to it you will slap your hands on the desk and exclaim, “How good is this”. I kid you not. So few lines of code for a result.

The thing is that jobs in the Developer world at the moment still require UIKit as there is a massive code base that requires maintenance so you do need to know UIKit.

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Thank you very much Chris for your detailed response. I really appreciate it. I’ll try to ignore the strange Size Class issue then. Thanks again for your help.